
Saturday, August 31, 2013

NOVA-CBG Two Lakes and a River Ride

Aside from falling down less than a mile into the ride on the first big, nasty, steep climb (and then being stuck there on the downhill side with my feet still firmly attached to the pedals such that I couldn't get out without help), this was a lovely little ride. It was certainly rolling to hilly, as advertised, but this is an area that I have never biked before. The lakes were lovely and the hills were challenging. Definitely a must do next time but I think I'll take the "easier" hill out of the gate next time.

NOVA-CBG Two Lakes and a River Ride by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reston Metric Century 65+

What a fanfriggintastic day for a bike ride and what a ride it was. I really kicked it for the first 10 miles to the first rest stop and did a lot of "Vandishing": 90-100+ rpm and screaming along. Our little group paced really well and even the hills weren't so horrible. The return trip down the W&OD was great and I took advantage of every flat and downhill and was able to do a little more "Vandishing" in the last mile or so. Loved this year's course and I'm contemplating attempting the full English century next year. Bring it!

Reston Metric Century 65 by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, August 24, 2013

NOVA-CBG REVERSE Arlington Triangle Plus Ft Hunt Excursion

Had a great ride today to Ft Hunt and then the reverse Arlington Triangle. Even with those nasty hills on the Custis, I still felt good. Plus the weather couldn't have been better. It really stretched out my legs in preparation for tomorrow's Reston Century.

NOVA-CBG REVERSE Arlington Triangle Plus Ft Hunt Excursion by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Covered Bridge Metric Century

We started in rain and we finished in rain but we got to ride some beautiful country and see and ride over (under?) some really neat covered bridges. The first third and last third were gently rolling hills but the middle third had a few nice (read "nasty") hills. Most were short but could be quite steep; however, I did force myself over each and every one of them, kicking and screaming all the way. Finished wet and dirty but happy with the accomplishment. Can't wait to do this again next year but hopefully it won't be raining.

Covered Bridge Metric Century by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Fast and furious ride today. Lots of good pulls provided throughout, making this a quick and enjoyable ride. Can't wait to do it again, but first, the Lancaster Covered Bridges Metric Century awaits.

NOVA-CBG B&A/BWI Trails by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Sunday, August 11, 2013

NOVA-CBG Georgetown Cupcake Ride

Recovery Ride #2 was a nice, slow slog to Georgetown to get some cupcakes. I offered to sweep for Group 2 and just hung around the back of the pack making sure no one got lost. We did have one "fall down - go boom" and one thrown chain but other than that, it was pretty uneventful. The cupcake was pretty nice too followed by a nice "ride after the ride." I love me some mango margaritas.

NOVA-CBG Georgetown Cupcake Ride by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

NOVA-CBG Arlington Triangle Recovery Ride

It was tough getting back on a bike seat but glad I dragged myself out to lead a ride around the Arlington Triangle. I didn't quite hit the promised pace of 14-15 mph but the group seemed very satisfied with the ride nonetheless. And by the end of the loop, I had kicked out the lactic acid and felt a whole bunch better. So goes "Recovery Ride #1" for the day. Next up: The Cupcake Ride AKA "Recovery Ride #2."

NOVA-CBG Arlington Triangle Recovery Ride by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, August 10, 2013

NOVA-CBG W&OD "The Whole Shebang" + 10

Certainly not my best day on the bike but I did finish. Lots of aches and pains throughout but the first 70 were OK; the last 30 were horrible. My sit bones didn't want to do any more sitting on that damn bike seat, neck was aching and just wasn't making good headway. Surprisingly, my legs were still happy to spin and I didn't bonk; I just couldn't get comfortable. Decided to stop at Vienna with 12 miles to go and curl up on a park bench for about 10 minutes or so and give the butt a rest and try to stretch out and that actually worked. I made good time home and was able to bring the average speed back up from 12.3 to 12.9 mph. Not great but I'll take it.

NOVA-CBG W&OD "The Whole Shebang" 10 by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details