
Saturday, December 28, 2013

NOVA-CBG Ft Hunt Excursion PLUS REVERSE Arlington Triangle

Had a lovely little ride on a beautiful December day. The day started a wee bit brisk but it was wonderfully sunny, not really windy, and it warmed up nicely. Got some good stretch in the legs but didn't go all out. Glad I was able to log a few more miles this year.

NOVA-CBG Ft Hunt Excursion PLUS REVERSE Arlington Triangle by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

NOVA-CBG Misfit Toy Ride

Had a wonderful little spin this cold but beautiful day with other "misfit toys." It was nice to get out and stretch the legs on a leisurely ride. And we got to top it off with a "Jewish Christmas" celebration: lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Merry, merry Christmas to all.

NOVA-CBG Misfit Toy Ride by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas 2013

My best-laid plans to get the Christmas letter written early this year were, not surprisingly, not realized and again I write this on Christmas Eve, at the last minute, and online even here on my blog. Wow, have I really devolved to this? I suppose I have but here we go: a recap of 2013.

My biking year started off slowly as I was still recovering from my permanent ostomy surgery from last fall and wasn't cleared to get back on the bike until late January and even then, my belly was still quite sore and tender and wasn't really keen on doing anything that required contracting those abs. Even so, I've ridden just shy of 3,200 miles so far which, while short of my goal of 3,700 miles, is still a respectable showing. I purchased a new TT (time trial) bike this spring and have ridden the wheels off of it, reaching new PRs (personal records) on many of my rides and improving my performance dramatically. Plus, it's been a helluva lot of fun.

I didn't get to physically ride in the Fuller Center Bicycle Adventure this year but set my yearly goal of 3,700 miles in an attempt to "virtually" ride the same distance as the cross-country riders. However, I was able to participate in a different charity ride this past November: the Smart Ride, a two-day, 170 mile ride from Miami to Key West to support HIV/AIDS organizations that provide education, awareness, and support. And I was able to do the ride with nine of my local bike friends and we made a vacation of it. The ride was fabulous and the week in Key West wasn't bad either.

My three furry children are doing well. Tigger had a scare this summer when he became quite anemic and required a blood transfusion all due to fleas. But after a day and a half (and a $3,000 emergency vet bill!), he's as good as new. Eeyore has developed a skin rash but is otherwise fine. And Roo is so far unaffected by any crazy ailments and is doing just fine. They certainly do keep me entertained and are wonderful companions for an aging, crazy, cat lady.

I also was able to do some Sandy recovery work as part of the Fuller Center for Housing's Millard Fuller Legacy Build in Atlantic City NJ. The amount of work to do there is immense and while we did a lot of good work, I can't help but feel we hardly made a dent in it. Just like the Gulf Coast after Katrina, it's going to take a lot of time and effort to rebuild the homes, families, and communities.

And speaking of the Fuller Center, in 2014, I will be partnering with it in a unique way: we'll be having a blitz build in June to celebrate my (gasp!) 50th birthday. All are invited to help build, sponsor, or otherwise support the build. I've got to raise $50,000 to build this house in partnership with a wonderful young family. More details can be found here: Toolie's 50th Birthday Blitz Build

For this holiday season, I finally did two things I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember: see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and buy some diamond stud earrings. It was snowing like crazy and windy in the City that day, but it was the most fun I've had there in a long time. I can't believe I waited so long to do it. And we also got to see Jersey Boys too!

Well, that's about it. For all who celebrated Hanukkah, I hope you had a festival full of light, gelt, dreidel games, and tasty latkes. I wish for each of you a merry Christmas and a wonderful, healthy, happy, and safe new year.

Love Karen, Eeyore, Tigger, and Roo (and my bikes: Shiksa, Ruby, RW, Candy, Freddy, and Harry)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hains Point 100

Had a rainy, foggy, fun ride to, around, and back from Hains Point to support WABA's Women in Cycling initiative. It was so warm when I left home that I went out in bib shorts and short sleeved jersey. Luckily, I wore rain shoe covers and brought my helmet cover and rain jacket. I would need them before I even left Shirlington with my bagel and coffee. After that initial downpour, it was misty or drizzly for the rest of the ride. There was some great fog that rolled in on the river and in the channel. When you entered the fog, it got really cold and damp but then warmed up once you got out. For all of the weather-related messiness, it was a lot of fun. Rode by FreshBikes just for fun (and to warm up) before riding home in the dark. Didn't total 100 miles or kilometers but did get a respectable 51.5 miles, so I'll call it a day as a half-English century.

Hains Point 100 by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ride Home from FreshBikes--Tim Bought a New Bike!!!

Went to FreshBikes with Tim after the Hilly Triangle to look at some "toys" and wound up with Tim buying a cool new matte black with blue highlights Specialized Roubaix with Zipp 404s. I test rode a Cervelo S5 and a Cannondale crossbike and, surprisingly, didn't buy either one. But I liked them both (and really loved the Cervelo, which I knew would be the case). Glad to have helped Tim find the perfect bike but now, I'll never be able to keep up with him.

Ride Home from FreshBikes--Tim Bought a New Bike!!! by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

NOVA-CBG Impromptu Hilly Triangle

So glad I got out there to ride on this absolutely beautiful winter solstice. The weather was perfect for a ride and I felt so good just getting on the bike and riding. The PT is definitely working (thanks Jesse!) and I had very little knee pain today, even when grinding up those Falls Church and North Arlington Hills. I conquered my nemesis--Williamsburg Boulevard up from North Rochester Street--and then was able to scream downhill towards North George Mason Drive at almost 36 mph. Glad Mary suggested this and I'm looking forward to--gasp--more climbing!!!

NOVA-CBG Impromptu Hilly Triangle by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, December 7, 2013

WABA Cider Ride 15 Plus Ride To and Fro

A brisk ride to wake up the senses. Once we were moving, it was actually quite enjoyable. Rode over from Shirlington with Tim to do the 15 miler, which became 34 once the over and back was added. Met Stephanie and Al there, along with Ted and Olive. Good to be back in the saddle.

WABA Cider Ride 15 Plus Ride To and Fro by kwarkentien at Garmin Connect - Details